Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The third week

If you are surprised that I am continuing with this blog after three whole weeks you are in the company of many of my friends.....the few that I have told about this blog.
Why have I been so secretive when it is so clearly a public forum? Um, I don't know, I just feel sheepish about all my goals.

Piano -
Practiced and tried to learn how many sharps are in each key. My teacher is pleased. I was given a Bach piece called Minuet 3 to learn today. A Boroque piece that requires the right and left hand to both tell a story at once in an intertwined manner...Getting there....

Salsa -

Vegetarian Food -
I went to a bookshop to look for a good cookbook. Easy, simple, clear etc. I ended up with 'the vegetarian student cookbook'.
Um, rosti..did know how to do that one but I had forgotten it. Unfortunately by daughter hates potatoes I now realise.

Two chapters.

This week - For those who want to know more -
Oh dear - I'm losing motivation for the salsa. I got a response from the school I wrote to but they didn't seem very interested and told me I could achieve as much as the time and money I was prepared to commit would let me. I got the idea that I would turn up to a group class, partnerless as husband isn't interested, and start awkwardly jigging around with the large and spotty girl with glasses and then be ignored while everyone else whirls around in a leggy and sexy manner.
I mentioned to my husband that I was wondering if I'd overloaded myself with goals. I looked up and he was looking at me with a smile.

My friend Kate and I took our daughters to the park. 'Why don't you just learn salsa?', said Kate. 'do you really have to get to competition level?".
"yeah, I dunno'.
I thought I'd look for a sign.
The next morning our new neighbours to whom I have yet to introduce myself, were kind enough to make their presence felt by having loud sex. He came too early apparently but after being yelled at angrily in a broad aussie accent, 'just do it, just do it, just do it', he banged away bravely if inneffectively for quite some time.
I'm not sure if that's a sign or not.
Or just a sign that I should not live in a Victorian terrace anymore.

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